The Understory

An ongoing encounter with an extinct sugar plantation in Western St Lucia, the Caribbean. Examining the concealed histaory of the place, to which the dense forest has stood witness. (2017-). Published by Impressa Magazine

The Understory is the ecological classification for the lowest-most layer of undergrowth on the rainforest floor. Where animal and plant life abounds, but sunlight is scarcest. 

… From the darkness of the forest floor, only glimpses of the past are offered: the decaying plantation house, with ornate awnings now crumbling. The arches of a former sugar cane store, succumbed to the burgeoning vegetation of the forest. The ruined skeleton of the church, built for the slaves of the plantation, permitted only to worship in fortnightly shifts. This is not a place of memorial - not even of memory. What prevails is the overwhelming victory of nature; swathes of human stories within its grasp…



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